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Insanely Easy Way To Add Years To Life: Eat Your Greens


Here comes March, and in the blink of an eye, it’s already National Nutrition Month! 

It’s the best time to revisit our eating routine. We’ve been busy with all sorts of things, enjoying the warm weather and waiting for spring (or summer), but when it comes to eating, we tend to lose focus. 

But come to think of it, the recent global health crisis is a call — stop patronizing convenience products and go back to basics. That is, eat your greens and ditch these five “killers” foods, which have been on our plates year-round.

1. Diet Drinks

Oh, what’s a holiday without some diet Coke or Pepsi, right? Soda is a no-no and has been known to contribute to obesity, tooth decay, cancer and diabetes. Sure, it’ll taste sweet at first, but it’s only the beginning of your headaches that will come thereafter. 

Here’s why it’s a no-no: It washes away nutrients from our bodies, causing deficiency and unhealthy weight gain. 

It’s also an easy “off the shelf” source of calories, followed by the high sugar content. 

2. Fast Foods

That crispy fried chicken, beef stroganoff and chicken wings are part of your feast, but are they healthy? Not really. Fast food is high in calories and low in nutrition, with zero fiber and fat. 

It’s why it’s better to go for salad or vegetables instead. 

3. Processed Carbohydrates

After a long tiring day, who wouldn’t be happy to go home and munch on some chips on the sofa? Or when we’re finished with work, who’s going to pass up on that pizza? 

But what we often forget is that too much of a good thing isn’t always a good thing. And while pizza and chips seem like the go-to choices in kick-back meals with family and friends, it’s not the healthiest. 

Going home with brownies or pasta? Yes, we all are guilty of it, but deep inside, you know you’re doing your body an injustice. 

Processed carbs from white flour, sugar and pasta are often full of trans fats, salt and preservatives. They can also be a major cause of inflammation, which can lead to heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Instead of all that, go for brown rice; it’s full of fiber and healthy minerals. And even better, go for whole grain bread instead of white. 

It’s a much healthier choice. 

4. Alcohol

Bottoms up! Cheers to that great job offer or the warm weather and a cold beer — just what we needed in this heat. But wait a minute, doesn’t alcohol mean you get to sit back and unwind? Well, not always. 

Alcohol has been shown to be linked to mouth and throat cancers and can lead to heart disease. 

Studies even show that people with an alcohol habit are more likely to have a heart attack or a stroke than those who don’t. It’s also proven that even one drink each day can increase your risk of early death by 20 percent.

Even if you don’t plan on getting drunk, drinking too much of it can still have detrimental effects on your health. 

A better choice is to go for fruits, vegetables and juice as a substitute. 

5. Fries

We are not trying to say that fries are not good — they are! But only in moderation. 

We all love the greasy, salty and crispy goodness of a french fry, but we often forget that eating too much isn’t good. 

Fries are not good for the heart, as they raise cholesterol and triglycerides. 

It also increases blood pressure and damages the heart-lung function. A better choice is to go for roasted instead of fried veggies. 

One way to ensure you’re getting a healthy serving of veggies every day is by mixing it with what you usually eat! Package it in a wrap or sandwich, or add it to a salad.

For National Nutrition Month, make a switch! Let’s go green. 

If you still feel like you’re out of an answer, see a doctor and make an appointment with your family doctor. 

There are so many other ways to make healthy changes in your lifestyle. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it! 


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